What to do if system outage occurs?

A lot of our PMS partners ask, what should they do if PMS system outage occurs?
Yeah, unfortunately, sometimes it happens.

So let's talk about this situation.

When the system outage occurs, the PMS<>CHM connection is lost.
At this time the PMS software will not receive data from the OTA Gateway Channel Manager, this may the hotel fall into overbooking state. Is there any "Re-import" API function that allows hotels to update their booking to re-sync with OTA channels?

In this case hotel have a risk to get overbooking just because of direct reservations which staff can make in the PMS during the connection outage with channel manager.
When the channel manager gets a reservation from an OTA, it recalculates availability automatically and sends a new number of rooms to the other OTAs. And this process will work during the all period of PMS outage.

So, you don't need to call any special methods after PMS outage ends. Just call the /v1/api/bookings to get all not fetched reservations, recalculate an availability on your side incounting these reservations and all your direct reservations, and send new availability to channel manager via /v1/api/availability method.
Also if the prices in your PMS has changed during the connection outage period, you have to send it to channel manager via /v1/api/prices method.
For more information or if you need an advice how to make some special integrations, please contact me directly yana.p@otagateway.com

See you soon!
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